Oxbow Eco-Center invites children 18 months to 5 years and their caregivers to new nature toddler play sessions! 'Little Acorns' program themes include Nature Discovery, STEM Play (Science Technology, Engineering & Math), and Art in Nature. Little Acorns will meet Fridays at 10-11am starting in January. The 'Nature Discovery' series will be held Jan. 14, 21, and 28; the 'STEM Play' series takes place Feb. 4, 11, and 18; the 'Art in Nature' dates include Mar. 4, 11, and 18.
Children and their families will explore nature surrounding the Eco-Center and practice child-led play in an environment that fosters developmental skills. Programs will be hosted by an experienced childhood nature play leader and include stories, nature art, mud play, scavenger hunts, insect observation, wind play, and more! Cost per child is $8 per class, or $20 for one series which includes three classes. Pre-registration is required by calling the Oxbow Eco-Center at 772-785-5833; space is limited for this unique opportunity. Limited scholarships available.