BACKGROUND: Resilience Planning in St. Lucie County
June 2019- Held the St. Lucie Community Resilience Planning Workshop to educate government officials in St. Lucie County, Port St. Lucie, Fort Pierce and the Village of St. Lucie on the local impacts of climate change and options to build a more resilient St. Lucie.
October 2020- Received a grant for $75,000 from the Department of Environmental Protection to develop a vulnerability assessment to assist in analyzing water issues, critical county buildings and infrastructure, historic resources, and vulnerable populations.
October 2020- Created the new position of Climate Resiliency Navigator, and hired Sandra Bogan to spearhead the initiative.
February 2021- Formed the St. Lucie Community Resilience Steering Committee, with partners including representatives from all 3 city governments, and county staff specializing in emergency management, community health, regional planning, transportation, economic development, the school board.
March 2021- Received $600,000 from the Community Development Block Grant to to develop a regional resilience plan, which includes unified hazard mitigation efforts to bolster social, economic, and environmental resiliency from chronic and periodic stressors related to the impacts of natural disasters and regional climate changes.