Where is the office located? What are the hours of operation?
St Lucie County Utilities
2300 Virginia Avenue
Fort Pierce, FL 34982
Lobby Hours are M-F 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Phone Hours are M-F 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
What address do I send my payment to?
P.O. Box 728
FORT PIERCE, FL 34954-0728
How much will my deposit be?
Residential Water/Sewer Deposit Requirements
St Lucie County Utilities Customer Service Department requires a $85.00 deposit for an average single family home water service and $89.00 for waste water service where applicable.
Commercial and Multi Family Deposit Requirements
Commercial deposits are determined by meter size. Master meter accounts are based on meter size and number of units. To determine the meter size and deposit amount, please call the St Lucie Utilities Customer Service Department at 772-462-1150, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., with the exception of holidays.
Deposits on individually metered single family homes will be applied to the customer's account after two (2) years of excellent payment history or when a final bill is rendered.
How do I change my billing address?
There are three ways to change your billing address:
Call St Lucie County Utilities Customer Service at 772-462-1150
Email Customer Service at: utilities_customer_service@stlucieco.org
Fill in the change of mailing address on back of payment stub and remit to St Lucie County Utilities Customer Service.
How do I open/close/transfer my account?
Call St Lucie County Utilities Customer Service at 772-462-1150 and they will provide a list of all needed documentation to set up an account, transfer services or close your account.
What services does the St Lucie County Utilities Department Provide?
The Department provides Potable Water (Drinking), Wastewater (Sewer) and Reclaimed Water (Processed wastewater suitable for irrigation), to residences and businesses in the unincorporated portion of St Lucie County. Reclaimed Water is not available for single family homes